G.C.A. 505 Officers
Anthony Simon
General Chairperson
Vincent Tessitore
Vice General Chairperson
Local Chairpersons
Eugene Chino
Jeffrey Finn
Anthony Lavoratore
Christopher Leathers
Thomas Mallon
Christopher Smith
Vincent Tessitore
Jason Valdemira

Our New Office Address
1003 Park Blvd. Suite 7
Massapequa Park, N.Y. 11762
(just north of Massapequa Park train station)
LaborPress.org honors General Chairperson Anthony Simon with the Labor Leadership Award

General Chairperson Simon outlines the details of proposed Contract.

Not sure about your pension credit?
Members who feel they are missing pension credit as they approach retirement should request a review of their time via email at penssvccr@lirr.org

G.C. Anthony Simon unveils Grand Central Madison at Opening Ceremony

“Our Union will work this from every side to ensure our member’s safety. We will never stop!”
– Anthony Simon

Metro-North Track Local 808 invite G.C. Simon to speak to members on the importance of Unionization

“What makes a union
strong is the resolve
of it’s membership”-
Anthony Simon

The confidential Close Call
Reporting System (C3RS)
is a partnership between
NASA , the FRA, Participating railroads
and labor organizations. It is designed to
improve railroad safety by collecting and
studying reports detailing unsafe conditions
and events in the railroad industry.
Employees will be able to report
safety issues or “close calls” voluntarily
and confidentially.